Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5.9 - I can describe the trend in boiling point and viscosity of the main fractions

a.       What is the trend in boiling point of the fractions?
In the image the boiling point increases from right to left. The fraction with the lowest boiling point is the refinery gases, then gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, fuel oil, and the fraction with the highest boiling point is bitumen.
b.      Define viscosity (source your definition)
The resistance of a fluid to shear or tensile force. Source: Wikipedia.
c.       What is the trend in viscosity of the fractions?
The fraction with the lowest viscosity is the refinery gases, then gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, fuel oil, and bitumen is the most viscous fraction. In the image the viscosity increases from right to left.
d.      What is the trend in colour of the fractions?
The refinery gases are the lightest color (clear) and the fractions get progressively darker as one goes from right to left in the image. Gasoline is darker than the refinery gases; kerosene is darker than gasoline, and so on so forth. Bitumen is the darkest fraction as it is a dark brown or black color.
e.      Why is crude oil separated into fractions?
Crude oil is useless on its own, but when the crude oil mixture is separated into its many different substances, each fraction is very useful. So, in order to allow humans to take full advantage of crude oil, we must separate it into fractions.
f.        What process is used to separate crude oil into fractions?
The process used to separate crude oil into fractions is call Fractional Distillation.
g.       What physical property allows this process to work?
Each different hydrocarbon in crude oil has a different boiling point. Because of the differences in their boiling points, the crude oil can be separated into different fractions via Fractional Distillation.

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