Friday, April 29, 2011

5.6 I can recall what crude oil is made from

3.       Complete the following in a table with white text as the answer or as a rollover (no need for a table) and upload to your blog

a. Define the word hydrocarbon….
A hydrocarbon is a compound containing only hydrogen and carbon.
b. What is crude oil made from?
Crude Oil is a mixture of several hydrocarbons. It could also be described as the remains of prehistoric sea creatures.
c. Define the word compound….
A compound is two or more elements chemically bonded together to form a single molecule.
d. Define the word mixture…..
A mixture is made up of several compounds or elements mixed together without any chemical bonds.

4.       Read pgs 140 & 141 Chem 4 You and add these to the table above

d. How long does crude oil take to make?
Crude Oil takes millions of years to make, approximately 150 million years.
e. Where does the energy in crude oil originally come from?
All the energy in Crude Oil originally came from the sun. The animals and plants that make up Crude Oil produced energy using the sun and this same energy was trapped in the Crude Oil alongside the animals.
f. How is crude oil different from coal?
Crude Oil is a hydrocarbon while Coal is not. Coal is not a hydrocarbon because it contains other elements, like oxygen, as well as hydrogen and carbon. Moreover, coal is a solid and oil is a liquid.
g. Crude oil, coal and natural gas are collectively known as _________ fuels
Fossil. Crude oil, Coal ,and natural gas are known as fossil fuels because the animals and plants which beccame these fuels were prehistoric and were fossilized befor becoming oil.
h. How is crude oil transported when it is extracted from the ground?
There are two methods that are used to transport oil. One is via the sea, on massive oil tankers. The ships are able to bring the oil all around the world. The other method is via a pipeline. THe oil is pumped through a pipe in order to reach its destination.